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Kumar & Associates
Case Study

Services Offered
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Engineering geology
  • Construction materials testing
  • Observation/third-party inspections.

Denver, CO

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In the early 2000’s, Kumar & Associates developed an in-house reporting system, but as the company grew, so did the need for IT support to maintain software updates. Additionally, the system required time-intensive manual data entry sapping productivity of field technicians.

Kumar & Associates needed a platform that could be accessed via mobile devices in the field to streamline onsite workflows and automate the downstream reporting process. The company operates nearly 70 projects a day, and its field technicians visit 4 to 5 customer job sites daily, often traveling 70 to 100 miles.


With MetaField’s mobile capability, field technicians are empowered to work smarter and faster, equipped with Samsung tablets and iPads. In addition, the schedule, dispatch, test, collection and real-time reporting of data and results and streamlines complex workflows for greater productivity and profitability.


Kumar & Associates is able to streamline the development and delivery of the 140-150 customer reports it generates on a daily basis. In addition to its workflow automation and report generation capabilities, MetaField’s subscription-based service and flexibility also was a win for the firm; the “pay-as-you-go” model offers the ability to modify the number of users and add new modules and capabilities moving forward.