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Release Note

Release Notes 2023.2

Release Highlights

  • Work Order report in Scheduling now contains the Notes For Technician as a column on the report
  • Scheduling work order work locations will default from the Project Override Address in Project Specifications prior to using the main project address
  • Scheduling work orders will be saved in Draft status if technicians are removed


Bug Fix

Issue resolved that caused the Project Number filter control to not return the correct results


Bug Fix

Issue resolved that displayed a data grid’s Add / Delete Record buttons when the Hide Add / Delete Record Button setting was applied to the data grid



Metric Max Dry Density value will display in the proctor pick list value like the imperial version of this value does


Bug Fix

Issue resolved that did not change the Test Age value when the Test Completed date changed - in limited cases



Performance improvements introduced to the report generation process



Work orders can be saved (reverted to) in Draft status if technicians are removed from the work order


Project location / address will default from the override / alternate address in Project Specifications before defaulting to the main project address


Work Order report (accessed in List view) now contains a Notes For Technician column along with some minor report formatting changes

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