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Release Note

2025.02 Release Notes

Release Highlights

  • Field: The "Back" button is now labeled to show which page the user will return to.
  • Project Specification: Reports may be viewed in up to 500 rows at a time.
  • Utilities - Billing Costs: "Sample Dates" have been added for more advanced searching.
  • Coming soon - Forms Store: Access and immediately import templates directly into your Forms Library.
  • Forms Library: New and updated forms templates are now available in the Forms Library.


"Back" button update


To simplify navigation, the "Back" button now clearly indicates the page users will return to, such as "Activity," "Field Testing Results," "Observations," etc. when entering records in a Data Grid field within a configurable (DIY) form.

If the previous page's label is too long, the button will remain "Back."

This functionality applies to Activity, Safety, Evaluation, and Sampling forms, ensuring a more intuitive user experience, especially in forms with multiple hierarchy levels.



Reports / Labels Specification allows more records to be viewed


Users can now view up to 500 report/label records at a time in the data grid under Project Specifications, making it easier to batch apply digital signature overrides.


Additional filters for billing extracts


For a more precise record selection in Billing Extracts, a new Sample/Test Date filter has been added, allowing users to refine the data based on the date of the sample, field test, or lab test.


Text area formatting fix

Bug Fix

An issued has been resolved where formatted text area fields were not maintaining the defined text formatting. In some cases, font sizes were displaying differently between text areas.

Additional use cases are being explored and subsequent fixes will be applied as necessary.

MetaField's Form Store

Coming soon!


We are excited to announce the upcoming release of MetaField's Form Store!

Soon, users with access to the Forms Store will be able to browse an extensive collection of over 550 templates and import them into their Forms Library with just a click—without needing to browse the Forms Catalog or request assistance from their Customer Success Manager.

Easily find templates by filtering based on form tags, industry-standard names, and types of materials being tested.

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon! Or contact your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions on the Forms Store.

Forms Catalog

New templates have been added to our growing Forms Catalog.

Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you would like access to these new forms.

  • MnDOT 1206 Void Content - Determining loose uncompacted void content of fine aggregate material
  • MnDOT 1209 Lithological Summary - Determining percentage of various rock types regulated in the Standard Specifications for Construction
  • MnDOT 1210 Los Angeles Rattler - Testing crushed rock, slag and gravel for resistance to abrasion using the Los Angeles testing machine
  • MnDOT 1214 Crushed Particles - Determination of percent of crushed particles having essential characteristics of crushed aggregates.
  • MnDOT 1302 Particle Size Analysis - Quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes in soils
  • MnDOT 1303 Liquid Limit - Determining water content at which soil passes from a plastic to liquid state
  • MnDOT 1304 Plastic Limit / Plasticity Index - Determining the lower water content in soil at which it remains plastic
  • MnDOT 1807 Maximum Specific Gravity - Determination of theoretical maximum specific gravity and density of uncompacted bituminous mixtures
  • MnDOT 1808 Percent Air Voids - Determination of the percent air voids in compacted dense and open asphalt mixtures
  • MnDOT 1810 GMB and Absorbed Water (%) - Determining bulk specific gravity and percent of absorbed water in compacted bituminous specimens
  • MnDOT 1852 Quantitative Extraction (Centrifuge) - Determining asphalt content of bituminous mixture using centrifuge extractor and trichloroethylene (or other approved solvent)
  • MnDOT 1853 Asphalt Content by Ignition - Determination of asphalt content of mixed bituminous paving mixtures by removing cement in a forced ignition furnace
  • MnDOT 1855 Moisture Content - Determining the moisture content of hot mix asphalt by the oven method

Explore the latest updated templates in the Forms Catalog.

Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you would like access to these updated forms.

  • Tex 113-E Moisture-Density of Base - using volume of specimen for Wet Density calculation
  • Tex 110-E Part I Sieve Analysis (cumulative mat spec's) - included choice for showing results of Pass/Fail for % Retained or % Passing results
  • Tex 110-E Part I Sieve Analysis (individual mat spec's) - included choice for showing results of Pass/Fail for % Retained or % Passing results
  • ASTM D6997 Distillation of Emulsified Asphalt - edited to meet new standard update that includes Correction Factor
  • ASTM C1567 Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method - edited Chart Field for giving % Expansion instead of Expansion measurement value
  • ASTM C1260-14 Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates (chart) - edited Chart Field for giving % Expansion instead of Expansion measurement value

Connect with us in Person

MetaField will be at ACEC NY 2025 Winter Conference

We are excited to be attending the ACEC New York 2025 Winter Conference. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to connect and showcase our latest innovations and discuss how our Operational Workflow Platform can support your 2025 goals and beyond. If you're attending, please stop by our booth or schedule a meeting—we'd love to connect with you!

2025 ACEC New York
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