In today’s digital world, as consumers we expect information access to be immediate. Waiting for a response for information is a thing of the past. 

Yet in engineering services, the process to create test information from the field through delivery and billing is largely fragmented, causing delays throughout the lifecycle. Delivery of final reports often takes a week or more – just as it has for decades. Your clients may be wondering why this is still the case.

The slow process starts with test data that is captured manually in the field and communicated through email and phone calls. The timing of when results will show up in an email is unknown.

Significant productivity gains are available

Let us first consider project managers. In many organizations, due to the lack of an efficient data capture process, the function of project management has been split into multiple roles with one role managing field management, another role assisting with data management, and possibly another role responsible for billing and invoicing. Ideally, those functions would be encapsulated into one role; however, that requires the effective use of the right technology to get there.

Likewise, if project managers are not informed digitally when test results are completed and they must rely on email or phone calls to get the test data delivered, their ability to manage the work daily takes a significant hit.

Achieve profitable growth

What do these delays cost you and your clients? Maximizing the use of technology in the performance of engineering services will require executive leadership to map out where gains can be realized and to drive change throughout the organization.

Once data is digitally captured, your organization is freed up to drive efficiency – both internally and in the eyes of your clients. Our research shows benefits to the quality assurance (QA) process that ultimately reduces risk, unnecessary hidden delays, and costly litigation down the road.

At Agile Frameworks, we take a full-service approach to ensuring customers receive the full benefits of MetaField®.

Build a better way forward

Providing real-time data and consistent reports across your company footprint addresses and improves other business elements such as work quality and efficiency. With any practice area or geographic expansion, it is paramount to maintain service quality, reinforce standardized processes, and increase operational scalability.

The ability to direct the right resources to the right work at the right time will ease the challenges in meeting client needs across your company. Our top performing customers have found the more they leverage their technology solutions, the more opportunities they have to drive growth, empower employees, and create highly satisfied customers.

Embracing change, investing in technology, and leveraging a solution like MetaField will have a positive impact on your business—helping you differentiate from your competition and improve your bottom line.

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