At Agile Frameworks, we are focused on developing construction materials testing software to augment end-to-end workflows for customers. Collecting data in the field digitally is one thing…but making sure the information is easily reviewed and verified by a project manager and delivered to the client quickly–within 24 hours or less–is optimal. You do not get paid until reports are sent to your clients. Our goal is to support your field data collection and reporting process using MetaField® so you can confidently deliver accurate, top-quality data to your clients, and gain back precious time in your day.

We are constantly investing in MetaField to enable ease of use, accurate data, and efficiency–from dispatch to the field professionals and lab technicians entering test data to the project manager reviewing the reports. MetaField provides connected workflows that benefit all roles and stakeholders with operational efficiency.

Top five reasons digitizing your forms and automating workflows will optimize your field data collection and reporting:

  1. Deliver accurate data the first time.

When building forms for field data collection, we tend to start in the Construction Materials Testing (CMT) space because it includes several repeatable field activities. However, we are seeing beneficial use cases across other disciplines, such as Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), Environmental, Geotechnical, and other similar data capture activities in the field. When you build forms in a digitized fashion, you can set parameters that you otherwise would not be able to do if you are logging activity using pen and paper. Easily add validation parameters to ensure numerical entries include correct decimal precision, values are rounded accurately, and predetermined variables are employed. Faster data collection empowers your field professionals to focus on their work on the job site, quickly enter results, and move on. Digital tools and technology for data collection, entry, and reporting saves time, avoids redundant data entry, and prevents re-work to get the job done right, the first time.

  1. Have flexibility in your data collection.

We tend to collect data the same way–by documenting activity the same way it is reported. When you build forms in a digital environment, you can collect information in any order and still produce client-facing reports tailored and formatted the way you want it to appear. Having that flexibility allows your team to efficiently gather data while also controlling the reporting output to satisfy the needs and expectations of your clients.

We also build ‘smart’ forms for our customers–meaning we can include not only the calculations into the forms, but also “what if” scenarios and rules-based logic. For example: if hot weather is observed at a jobsite, the form will then prompt an additional set of related questions, but if not, we do not need to bother the technician with reviewing those additional form fields. Because time is our most valuable asset, having a digital operation enhances technician job satisfaction and helps to attract and retain your team by providing the tools needed to be efficient and successful in the project work.

  1. Support high-volume activities.

After analyzing our form designer tool over the last year, we are introducing features to better support high volume activities. Specifically, we recently introduced the ability to flag certain items as being discrepant or needing more attention. Project managers can now have full visibility to all the work orders and project queue to prioritize tests and quickly make decisions on where to spend their time. Having the tools to decipher between tests that are failing and tests that do not require immediate action enable project teams to make their data actionable and be empowered to do the job well.

  1. Exceed client expectations.

The competition for projects is tough, with client expectations continuing to rise. Engineering firms are always looking for ways to gain a competitive advantage. We have 330+ template forms built for the various compliance standards throughout the U.S. and Canada. Our digital forms library provides a major head start for you to use as is, adapt and make changes to meet your firm’s brand, or work in the form designer tool yourselves. There is no behind-the-scenes development–the customization of your forms is self-service and easy to tailor and customize. For example, if your client has a new requirement for a report, you can have a new form produced that day. We enable you to delight your clients by delivering what they want.

  1. Save your firm money!

The efficiencies gained by implementing MetaField for digital data collection and reporting allow your team to do more with less…and deliver faster results to increase the volume of tests conducted and delivered every day. The result is an average savings of $4/test, which equates to substantial savings each month and overall, a more profitable engineering operation.

As key outcomes of 2022, we are evaluating strategies to minimize the time it takes to gather the data in the field, collect data from connected devices to feed relevant information, and create a positive experience for all system users. We are actively partnering with customers to validate and prototype solutions so we can get the voice of our customers continually fed into our products. A tight feedback loop will ensure we are solving for the various outcomes and business needs to deliver successful digital field data collection and reporting frameworks.

Christy Kolle

Christy Kolle, Senior Director, Product Management, Agile Frameworks
Connect with Christy:

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